Dirt Fishing Silver - Massive Coin Spill

Video Provided By: Down South Detecting

Dirt fishing is a game of patience and persistence.  Finding metal with a metal detector is easy, finding a place to metal detect where you might actually turn up something interesting is a whole different story.  I imagine many detectorists give up after a short time, finding only pull tabs and clad coins.  If you want to find silver, you have to go to where the silver is.  This video is a great example of what a good permission can offer.  

coin spill found metal detecting

Though finding a coin spill like this is rare, finding silver coins on a good permission is quite common.  Homes that pre-date 1950 are the permissions you should be after.  Most cities and towns have an "old town" where the older buildings and homes are grouped together.  Often times when I get one permission, it leads to another just by talking and asking questions.  If you find someone who has lived in the area for a long time they will know who bought which house when and how the neighborhood looked in the old days. 

old coin found metal detecting

Hit the area around the entrances, along the driveway, walkways, and the dirt strip between the sidewalk and street.  Keep in mind a lot of older homes have been remolded and the entrances may have been moved.   Speak with the homeowner to get as much information about the property as you can.  Perhaps there was once a porch, or the front entrance had been on the side of the home.

Dirt Fishing Silver

Pay close attention to the topography of the yard, often times fill dirt will be added to grade the property down away from the house.  If this is the case older coins and relics could be 8 inches or deeper.

1935 silver quater

Look for signs of the times, old trees and stone walls are great places to metal detect.  Not only do they date back 100's of years, they are also where people gather and children play.  most importantly don't allow yourself to get discouraged.

"Dirt Fishing is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get"


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